
It was already morning when the sun rays fell on her body which was lying on the floor. Half of her face was on the bed, while her lower half was on the floor itself.

Her eyes flickered when she turned to open her eyes yet found it hard to do since her eyes were already puffed. Redness covered her entire face with a fresh morning.

"It's already morning…" muttering to herself, Jennifer yawned and rubbed her eyes. Just then, her eyes fell on the curtain were flying due to the wind from outside. "I… slept on the floor?"

"Yes, you did that, Ms. Taylor." The voice from behind brought the lady out of a daze when she instantly turned around on hearing the girly voice. It was no one else but Amaira, standing at the entrance with something in her hand.

Her eyes furrowed, she asked with uncertainty in her voice, "What are you doing here at this hour?"