Engagement Day! (6)

Her words brought a commotion. Moreover, the guests were looking at her as if she was some kind of cry lady who was now drunk and trying to create a mess. 

The same was embedded in their mind but still, the thought of having some gossip was making them keen to learn about it. One of the ladies, who seemed to be a gossipy one, asked from one side, "What do you mean girl?"

Passing her a warm smile that curved on her lips, Jennifer told, "I mean to say, now that Mr. Javier Johnson is engaged to Ms. Emily but have you ever thought.. If the groom is really single before his engagement… or has he broken someone's heart to be here?"

"But I remember what Mrs. Johnson said before. Aren't they childhood sweethearts, how can there be a third person in between them?" This was commended by another lady, who looked puzzled to hear Jennifer's words.