Marriage duties!

Javier's eyebrows were raised upwards, "Why would I be unhappy? Not like I cared about that engagement at all.."

"Seriously?" She found it more amusing to hear this out of her ears, "As far as the ring, which you made her wore, wasn't as beautiful as mine. Was it?"

She clearly remembered the ring which Javier made Emily wear. It was of diamond plated with gold and silver. Yet, she found the ring slid from him into her finger.

Although she had no idea what kind of ruby it was embedded into her ring, despite the that she loved it to her core. "Not at all. The ring which you're wearing is the most beautiful one.. and contains much  more to it."

Javier answered with a serious face, showing utmost confidence which wasn't missed by Jennifer.

This brought a smile on her face, which contained a lot of satisfaction as well, "Perfect."