Smith's Illegitimate!

The anger was crystal clear in Amara's eyes when she faced Lucas with her bloodshot eyes. No one can even deny that a lady like her can be engraved to such an extent.

Yet Lucas maintained a calm face about the circumstances around him, "I don't know what you are talking about mother."

"Hah! How come the ruby gets stolen from my locker all of the sudden? It was there! I'm sure it was there throughout but… today I saw it wasn't?" Amara felt that it wasn't even irony that took place.

Just when the news and the exchange talks were going around her family regarding the ruby exchange with the Johnsons, how come the ruby isn't at its place anymore?!

Her instincts told her only one thing, and that was this all to be done by one and only, that is her own blood, Lucas.

"You Are accusing me of something that I haven't even done. Mother.. are you sure that I have done that?" He can't help but ask without blinking his eyelashes even for a mere second.