Meeting Ex-Boyfriend

At the same time, in Javier's company. 

Staring at the reception, a lady was sitting with her anxious look. Gulping the saliva present in her mouth, she had no idea how to react at this point. 

A lady came towards her, wearing a knee-length skirt as she looked at the girl and said, "Ms. Sierra? You're already requested. Please come with me."

"Oh-kay.." with this, Sierra stood on her heels as both of them made their way to the nearby cabin in which the lady guided her. 

"This is the way. The three heads are waiting for your presence." The lady said to which Sierra just nodded her head in understanding.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed her raging nerves, 'You can do this.. Ah.. Sierra..yes you can...'

With the extra boost of courage inside her, she stepped inside to find two men and one lady sitting. The two of them lifted their eyes when she sat across the table, passing all of them a sweet smile.