Brother-Sister Bond!

His fierce gaze was enough to make Jennifer feel slightly altered. Subconsciously, she stared back at Charles who was constantly glaring at her ring, or to be more specific, her hand.

'What is wrong with him?' She was confused yet her heart shattered when Charles's eyes shifted from her hands back to her face.

Glancing into her eyes, she noted his frosty expressions mixed with surprise. Her heart started to beat at an erratic rate when she immediately put her hand down from her neck, back to her lap. 

The discomfort was evident in her face which Charles knew was all because of his stare. At the same time, his eyes traveled to his brother who sat beside Jennifer. 

"Javier… is everything going to work well?" the quite sudden question put Javier wondering what happened to him. "Yeah? Things are going smoothly...I'm still in a learning state."