Legal wedded wife!

"Tell me, Javier.. that ring was supposed to be given to our dear wives. Jennifer isn't your wife and.. . neither have you married that dumb girl. So why was it in her finger?"

Charles was straight in his talks without raising his eyes. The way his eyes clearly showed how much he waited for this answer.

Javier, whose eyes were initially on the ground, can detect his heart already fading. It was beating erratically, at a rapid speed already.

"I..I.. brother.." Javier can't bring those words to his mouth that he is already married.

Knowing the temperament of Charles, he might burst out due to anger and blame him too. This was the last thing on his list to make his brother furious and give him another shock.

Yet Charles's eyes were stagnant on his brother, "Javier.. I've asked you something. Reply to me on that."