Girl from Smith's land...!

"You have to say something, my dear husband?"

Jennifer asked in her sweetest voice. Despite the sweetness, her expression was in total contrast with that mocking smile. 

Her raised brows and lifted eyes already gave a hint to Javier about her wordings. She wasn't being mean but the same brought an unsettled frown on his forehead.

"I..I.." Javier's lips parted but no words seemed to come out at this point. Rather, he found no sentence to revert back.

Lack of response brought a chuckle out of her lips when she held the certificate against her chest to show him. "That is your name, isn't it? Also, the name of the university, Javier… is the same university which I have studied at."

"Isn't this quite a coincidence already?"

Surprise and shock were evident on his face where he wondered how she found his things? "Jennifer.. this is.. how.."