Not any mere Hostage

"Who told you about that?" Javier asked with an evident curve over his forehead.

"I know. I have my contacts who are willing to tell me about these things." Shawn stressed over to convey he was still keeping a track of the outgoing despite not being in the position to do so.

Charles and Javier remained silent when Shawn continued, "Anyways, I heard.. Lucas contacted you first." Shawn answered with a calm tone while taking a sip of his tea.

Staring at his youngest son, he could already conclude that Javier was hiding something, and his body language spoke more than those hidden expressions. "He contacted me via email."

"But you never told us." Shawn's wordings got a nod from Javier as well. "I wanted to. Probably I missed telling any of you about this."

"Miss?" A chuck left Shawn's lips when he can't help but get amused over his nonsense reply. "Do people miss the important tasks which are handled by them? I don't think this ever happens."