Bad Father

"We gathered here to talk about the mission, not to fight, remember this!" Charles commented with his eyes burning with fury. 

Their heated arguments over the silly reasons were enough to make him boil in rage. 

At this point, the son-father duo eyed each other with deadly glares,  with no motive to step back. 

Witnessing  that the intensity level never died down, only made Charles ' frown get deeper and deeper with the time, "You both are acting like a seven years old kid!"

"Brother, that is his doing, not mine. I have done whatever I can to prove myself. In return,  all I'm asking is for Jennifer. Is this wrong?" Javier said, but no one had an answer.

Charles remained silent for a few minutes but then opened his mouth to say in a loud voice. "Javier… this isn't the time to discuss that. We all are in a difficult situation... None said you are wrong but this is important…"