Power of Love!

With the absolute silence covering around, all she felt was the heaviness lingering nearby her. "You did all the formalities required?"

"I did. These papers are what you wanted and my promise to you, wasn't it so?" Just from his voice, Sierra could sense the lack of emotions that he wanted to display.

Only if he knew that she has already learned the changes that take place in his demore with the time.

Her lips were sealed into a straight line as her eyes lowered down. 'This is… not good…'

With the night, the entire view from the balcony gave the sign of the high-rise residential building, and the condos' lights were already switched on. 

At the same time, Siera can feel the cold breeze hitting against the soft surface of her warm cheeks. Yet what hurt her the more was the realization which she went through.

"Jack…" she called his name, with the full tenderness to recall their conversation before she continued, "You know.. the situation."