Out of my life!

Charles, who was on the bay sitting inside his car, felt his name being called from his back. Without even turning around, he knew to whom the voice belonged. 

"So..you knew that it must be..me.." 

"I knew these things lie with you. The pendant, the photographs...  It was no one else but you who had the audacity to actually come to my place and keep them in front of my house, isn't it so?" Sierra asked bluntly to which she got nothing but absolute silent treatment. 

Taking a few steps ahead she stared at the man's back as her eyes grew darker with the time, "Today...I will have to really appreciate you. You are surely the man of your words, aren't you the one?" 

"I told you that I will not leave you so easily. My threat was clear, Sierra." Charles spoke as he turned around to face her, to find her extremely aloof and distant towards himself.