Invalid Marriage!

Meanwhile, back in the Johnson mansion. 

It was already morning when Jennifer felt her eyes getting heavier with the time. 

Her heart was already unsettled, as she could sense the roof above her face. 'What happened to me?' 

She wasn't sure herself but then, rotating her head, she came across nothing but emptiness beside her bed. 

There was no figure, which she usually watched in the morning. 'He isn't here..where did he go away then?' 

Jennifer was puzzled as she brought her hands and rubbed her eyes. A yawn escaped her lips when she got up from her bed to look outside the window. The sun already rose high in the sky, making her understand that it was already late for her to get up. 

But then, her eyes traveled to see the medicines that lay beside her bed. 

Seeing the tablets only confused her to no extent as she recalled last night's events. "I and Javier fought because of Emily…"