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With no further exchange of words, Shawn gazed at the black man with his hard eyes. His veins started to pop out on his hand where Alice could feel alarmed... "T-..there must be some kind of misunderstanding... Shawn.." 

"Do not be afraid, Alice. It's fine.." he mumbled to give her a relaxed feeling but in contrast to his face, he wasn't even a bit calmed. At the same time, Alice already saw the gun that was pointed against Shawn's stomach. Her eyes roamed here and there at the people who passed from the place but none paid attention to them. 

On seeing the lady getting distracted for help, the man in the black commented, "Lady, it will be better for you to actually stop looking for anyone and stand still and….quiet." 

Hearing the statement made Alice feel stuck in her own place. No words came out of her mouth with fright already crawling under her skin. Her entire back was filled with dread and uneasiness, the fear that the gun will be fired…