
Alice blinked her eyes as she felt herself almost floating in the cloud. It felt so light from earlier! 

But in the back of her mind, she could feel herself shattering herself. Despite not having enough power to speak, her eyes turned moist before she could even utter herself. 

"Mother…" she heard a soft voice calling her. Rotating her head, she saw Javier sitting by her side with a worried look, "Javier…Charles…when did you come here..?" 

"When you were unconscious. Or exhausted, mum" Charles answered when he filled the glass of water for her, "Please drink this. The nurse said you will need a lot of water.." 

"A lot of water?" her brows lifted from their place when she didn't understand what her son meant by this. But instead of revolting, she sat on her bed to get the glass and gulp it in one go. 

"Hmm….you know, your mother gave birth to your sister already? Have you both met her?" Alice asked with her half-filled heart.