Javier is shot!

"I want to say something…." hearing this, Javier's eyes moved to see his lady already looking at him with her longing eyes. "Hmm? What is that?" 

"N-Not like that…come here.." Jennifer commented when she motioned him to bend down near her. 

As per her wish, Javier did turn around to come and sit by her side on the bed, 

"Now? Tell me.." his breathtaking voice made Jennifer's hands clutch the bed sheets beneath her. Her mind traveled back to the time when he had actually punished her for taking his phone back when they were still on the island. 

It was a long time ago, with them being total strangers. 

But things progressed, changed, and they have entered into a relationship of husband and wife. There shouldn't be any more hidden facts, right? 

"I…I..was thinking…can my parents come here?" her mumble was too low for him, insufficient for him to hear. "What did you say? Can you repeat?"