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Dumbstruck from head to toe, Javier felt his mind go blank. There was nothing more to convey anymore, except the sensation of his heartbreaking into pieces surfaced inside his heart. 

"Y...You knew everything?" 

His heart told him to not believe this. Strongly do not believe this. But at the same time, his intuition was something that broke his willpower of the same. His eyes were filled with guilt to the end where he could sense his heart shattering into small pieces. And for the very first time, he felt betrayed by his wife... the wife whom he has loved for so long. 

Subconsciously, he broke his embrace but the stare never got disturbed. The disbelieving eyes of his were staring at her as if he felt her words or being nothing but a lie to him. Only if this was the truth he came across. 

"Javier..." Jennifer tried to take the initiative to hold him again but he immediately showed his hand to her. "Don't Jennifer..please don't..."