Ava Jennifer Taylor!


Things are never easy, whether it be in matters of love or power. Everyone has to go through some of the other challenging situations to have the chance to be together with their loved ones.

While some are successful in overcoming them, some end up stepping back and accepting everything as their faith. 

Either way,  the choices made by any individual are the result of their actions. 

The multiple attempts of Lucas to actually steal Jennifer away from Javier were totally a success. 

Moreover, it was one of the best ways to uphold their power. 

Yet what Lucas forgot was, he can surely snatch a lady and her body, but her heart? It was out of his league since Jennifer's heart now belongs to her own husband, Javier Johnson.

Jennifer had no idea where she was. Yet in the back of her mind, she could hear whispers. 

Was she dead? She didn't think so but something did make her body ache a lot.
