Meeting the Smiths!

"What did you say!?"

At this point, Jennifer could feel her heart-shattering pieces. Despite all the attempts to cage her expressions of surprise, Jennifer's trembling body betrayed her.

Her father gave a stern stare when he repeated, "Tomorrow, we are all going to Lucas's place to meet his grandfather and mother.. it is necessary."


Jennifer's yell made everyone present halt in their action. The evident veins on her forehead and hand were enough to make them believe that she is infuriated.

Not only that, Amelia was deadly conscious of whether to bring this conversation ahead or not. However, when she glanced at her husband, she knew that it is a matter of fact which needed to be fulfilled.

In the end, Amelia raised her hands and kept it on Jennifer's hand that was on the table. "Child… we know that it is difficult for you. But understand, we have given you enough time since you have returned."