Exclusively mine!

"Oh, it is alright. You also need time after what you have gone through. It is totally fine." Grandfather Smith said to which Veronica supported, "Oh my god, child, I can't imagine what you have to go through.."

"i...It is just...fine..after all, I'm back at my place." Jennifer muttered in between her breath, audible for everyone to hear.

But the one who was most shocked was no one else by Lucas, whose lips were now curved into a relaxed manner. 

The fact that she hasn't revealed something major still made his heart tremble. He was shocked, to see such a change in herself, but on the second note, it is understandable as well. 

In fact, she has no choice left in her hands. Maybe her parents were successful in convincing her? 

He doesn't care as long as she is supporting and marrying him, Lucas thought.