His crime!?

The rage was very present in her eyes when she stared back at her son, who has already frozen once again, "What happened? Now you don't have words to answer me?" 

"M-Mom...that is not how you do think it to be!" Lucas's will was at the end of being destroyed.

Despite being someone who would like to stay aloof, his mother's expressions of this moment gave him chills. 

He did steal the ruby without her knowledge and did lie with all the open mouth. There were no expressions held on his face at that moment, but right now, he couldn't even feel his own veins. Were they still there? He highly doubted! 

A scoff left from Amara's lips when she slapped her hand against the wall with all the force that she had. 

Her actions, made Lucas's breath halt in the middle, "MOM! Don't!"