Seductive dance!

"Laid? hahaha..." Veronica can't help but laugh at the comment. In the back of her mind, she can't help but feel herself almost thinking about giving it a try. Despite being a virgin, it never occurred that she should actually waste her virginity in such a way. 

On the other hand, Drake didn't budge his eyes from her face, "Yeah, why not? You Aren't known to the entire world yet. Except for the few people here, you can always shield your identity and act as any other girl..." 

Hearing this, Veronica's eyelashes shifted down where she gulped the drink in one go. The taste seemed soured to her where the frown curved her forehead. "It is strong!"

"Obviously. You asked me for something which will actually reduce your pain. This one was for that.." Drake told her openly before he winked at her to signal her, "Give it a try Veronica. You have to let go of your first crush...c'mon, don't be a cringe."