Wife and Mistress confrontation?!!?

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After Max had warned her, he straightaway brought Veronica and Jack to the car. Driving towards his house, he finally brought and parked the car outside the large mansion, which Veronica saw. 

There was no exchange of the words which took place and it alarmed her heart. Not only did it give her mixed emotions but she felt slightly raised. 

It didn't matter to her about this situation but how much worse can it be? 

Max had opened the door for her, and he took Jack out of the car as well. Not only that, he held her hand strongly with her, before passing her the glance. "We should let Jack play in the garden back." 

"B-but...he should also meet y-"

"You should see everything yourself for once.. After that, it is you who decides everything." Came a strict and straight answer from Max, which made Veronica gulp the rest of her words.