I will stay with you!

In the end, all Veronica received was a nod from his side. The guilt had taken a toll over his mind where he was left with no other choice but to accept the fate that was served to him on the plate. 

But for Veronica? It was no less than any other game played in front of her eyes. She can't help but feel her entire world crashing down into the pieces where she had moved out of her seat. 

The shocked expression of hers didn't budge even for a minute, second, or minutes. She was embedded under the deep sea of the thunder that had collided with her destiny now... 

But Max had more to say, which he eventually did after not letting his emotions get into contact with his mental state, "After my father said that I'm married to her, I was heartbroken. After all, it was my father who had cheated upon me in such a way as to destroy my entire life and career.."