Cancelled Wedding?

The handgrip itself made Jennifer's body language turn stiff. Initially, her lips turned dry but she had still kept the subtle smile on her face. "Nice to meet you, Mr...?"

"He is Mr. Greyson. Very soon, we will be coming partners as Mr. Greyson has agreed to invest a good capital in our business.." Lucas gave her some insight, making Jennifer's mouth turn into a big 'O'

Turning her gaze back to see the old man, she saw that he had a few wrinkles near his eyes. Moreover, despite his age and how Lucas had addressed him, she found this man to be slightly old as he appeared. 

Yet, Jennifer had no such intention to disappoint.

"We look forward to working with you, Mr. Greyson.." Jennifer politely told, to which Mr. Greyson's eyes curved, "Pleasure, Miss Taylor. How beautiful fiance Lucas has. I wasn't expecting him to already have a woman in his life though.."