Drugging him!

At the same time, Jennifer was currently present inside of the room along with Lucas. He was hanging to her shoulders when she closed the door of the bedroom and let him slip from her embrace down on the ground like any paper.

"Jen...Jennifer… yeah… come near me, baby…" Lucas kept on muttering under his breath which irked Jennifer a lot.

He climbed on the bed like any small kid, who was clinging to his favorite toy. Staring at his figure, all Jennifer realized was that she was all alone but not with the mighty Lucas, but with his drunken self.

'What a headache he is.. ' she can't help but rub her forehead. 'But I can't even go out of the room right now because…. Jack must be laying his tricks…' at this thought, her lips curved into a straight line.

Taking a deep breath, Jennifer saw how Lucas first of all, climbed up on the bed and then removed his coat. He threw it on the other corner but his yells never dimmed either.