Javier's drastic change!

Whereas on the other hand of the land, Javier was currently practicing his boxing skills. Wearing a black color shirt, which was fitted to his body, also made everyone see the well-built abs inside. 

Since the day he has woken up, all he is doing is hitting the gym, even here or the other time. 

Moreover, everyone was already aware since Jennifer wasn't here, their boss had changed way too much. 

He didn't appear the old Javier anymore, someone who was loving, caring too. At this point, all the employees were coming across the aloof Javier, someone to whom no one was actually related. 

But this wasn't enough.

The only person who had seen this kind of nature of his was Charles. When their mother had died, Javier had turned off all his emotional sentiments and was any other walking robot. 

But this wasn't the case anymore. He has seen betrayal this time...