Meeting a stranger?!

As the car preceded in the deserted area in the nearby place, it made Amaira even more suspicious. 

In fact, what raged her heart was to find that her mother had left out of the blue without informing anyone. 

It raised dozens of suspicions. Moreover, she was left with no other choice but to accept that her mother was acting weird for a couple of days. 

Soon, her mother's car had stopped in front of the unconstructed building which was left in the middle of construction. She got out of the car, and the car had immediately left the place. 

But at the same time, Amaira had already asked the driver to stop the car at the back of the trees. 

She instantly stepped out of the car before she went straight to the other side and her gaze fell upon, to see her mother walking inside of the building. 

'Why have you come here late? What is your work here?' it raised her alarm and curiosity.