A widower!

"You are pregnant?!" 

Disbelief was clearly written on Jack's face. He can't help but feel himself going numb for a few seconds as if this didn't fit inside his brain. 

Subconsciously, his eyes shifted to trace her stomach, finding that it was still flat behind that tight suit of hers. 

"Yes, I'm pregnant with my ex-boyfriend's child." Sierra didn't hide it anymore since her eyes shone brightly. "I thought why not tell you since you will be wedded with me. I have someone else's child in my stomach." 

"And I have no reason to abort this child ever." Sierra's determination crashed Jack's heart a lot. 

Knowing that the child she carried must be of her ex-boyfriend, a jerk, who is no more there in her life...it somehow brought the turmoil too. 

For the next few minutes, Jack had no reaction. Neither was he happy, nor sad. All he telecasted was the uneasiness that resided in his heart.