I missed her

At this stage, how Javier reacted only raised their concerns. 

While Ellen had given Ryan a side glance, both of them knew that speaking to Javier on this topic was urgent. 

But guessing the mood of Javier appeared out of nowhere that he wasn't interested. 

In fact, to them, he looked to be absolutely distant, who was least interested to raise a single doubt about what he is going to do in his life.

"Javier, we know that you don't want to talk about this but we can't ignore it like thin air." 

"You met your wife, fair enough. But...all you had said was that you didn't wish to meet her and give her punishment for disobeying you and not hearing what you had asked her to do. Now..how come this changed?" It was Ellen who asked, trying to convey the hidden message along with his words. 

He doesn't want Javier to regret what he has done.