Olivia and Austin's relationship

[Everything is a fictional thing]

The sudden pushing of the door of her cabin made Olivia turn around and face Jennifer who stood there with stoic expressions, "Answer me without delay, Olivia. You and Austin know each other from before, Am I right?" 



Jennifer's voice raised up, and it made others avert their gazes in her direction too. 

It took some time to adjust to the fact that another lady was yelling at their personal secretary, and in such a strong manner. 

Inside the cabin, Olivia's face was filled with the paleness as that of the white sheet. Fear of the known and unknown started to plug her heart solidly.

Those gazes held the control of the tears, which weren't hidden anymore from Jennifer. 

"Jennifer..you..heard..everything?"Olivia managed to slip those words, only to get a positive response from Jennifer, "I did. Answer me now."