
The words startled Lucas, whose eyes were all wide. He could feel his body trembling and he immediately got up from the bed. His eyes didn't tear off from his mother even for a second, finding her complicated expression getting more complexed with time. 

"Y-YOu mean to say..Seren died?" he once again asked to confirm, in order to receive a positive nod from Amara, "She jumped off the terrace. H-her body's found in the morning at the back side of our h--home.." 

"Who found it?" Lucas asked and to his dismay, his mother was even more worried about the next answer, "I-It wasn't someone from us. It swayed someone local. So, this news has spreaded already.." 


And this was the last thing he wanted. 

Seren died, he didn't care. But the fact that someone else found and the news spread like a fireball had raised his concern already.