Never show your face!

"I prefer to hear, Jack Smith. Words help me decide things better." Grandfather Smith finally addressed Jack as a Smith, which was a rare scene to witness. 

At that point, Jack was too taken aback. His shocked expressions didn't leave high eyes. 

But at the same time, he was able to overcome and cover up his excitement. There was no doubt that he found himself in a very tight spot. 

However, that didn't stop him from saying further, "Finally a Smith....?" 

"When I remember and calculate how manipulative you are, I can easily say that you are a Smith. While Lucas does everything in a hurry and in messy ways, you are calm and composed. Lucas expressed his anger too vibrantly and wait for the right opportunity to find your ways. And the way you struck..will not leave a person any option to recover." 

Jack was impressed, 'He really thinks highly of me?' That was a rare sight.