Saving the baby!

Jennifer couldn't imagine herself dying at this spot. No, it was the last resort she would like to overcome at this moment.

As her horrified eyes traced to see her entire bedroom, her heartbeat rapidly increased. Despite her mind going numb, her motherly instinct to safeguard the mini life inside her body was working properly.

"Jennifer!?! Child, are you fine!? Please open the door!" 

The nagging Amelia was at the highest peak. But at the same spot, Jennifer knew she had to work.

She got up from her place to swipe the tears from her cheeks and walked towards her closet. From inside, her eyes caught the sight of a long scarf. Bringing a few of them out, she tied them into one which helped her to form a long chain.

With the help of that, Jennifer rushed in the direction of the window to open it. "JENNIFER! If you aren't opening your door now, We will break it!"