Are you my father?!

"Indeed Mr. Shawn has created and treated our life as a hell..." Charles can't help but say this aloud as his teeth gritted against each other. 

Ryan didn't react but continued to say," Mr. Shawn was in power at that time and I was nowhere. I wasn't able to revolt back and ended up agreeing to what he asked me to do and that was to go and study abroad." Ryan didn't hide. 

Knowing that Charles has the ability to know everything about him, Ryan wasn't interested in concealing the few important facts. 

That would go against his rules.

Meanwhile, Charles stared at Ryan's reflection. He brought his hand to pat Ryan's shoulders before muttering, "I'm sorry for what you must have gone through when that old man forced you to leave." 

On hearing this, Ryan didn't show his expression. He kept them secret in the dark corner of his heart. At last, Ryan simply lowered his head with a bit of acknowledgment to take his leave.