Glad to be kidnapped!

"So, was it all for money?" Jennifer sneered at his words but Lucas didn't gave her any glance on this, "I planned to get what I wanted. You already know about this now."

"But I'm still curious.You wanted to make me sign the documents but have you thought that I would have let you go so easily once you transfer all my properties under your name? If I was in that position, I would have the same share in your properties and this will ultimately make it impossible for you to divorce me. So, what had you panned to solve this issue?" 

Knowing how technically Lucas thinks and how far sighted he is, she was very much sure he will not think it as a cake walk. In fact, his brain runs via thousands of directions and this thought must have struck his mind. Right now, Jennifer folded her hands in front of her body when she stared at Lucas whose glares were't less then threatening.