Baby Girl..!

"But what about my family?"

Jennifer can't help but ask since she knew it too well that her heritage and everything was messed up since the time she learned about her parents not being one.

She wasn't related to her biological parents. It triggered her to extreme heights. Moreover, her eagerness to know about everything that took place in the past increased rapidly in her chest. 

But on the other hand, Javier's smile froze when his eyes caught the same shine in her eyes. They twinkled on the topic of her adoptive parent's history and she wished to learn everything. But how was he supposed to bring out the harshest truth in front of her, especially when the doctor has warned them that she isn't in the position to take any tension and stress? 

Javier's heart gripped with aluminum chains when he took a deep breath.

He didn't let go of Jennifer's hand before saying it to her face. "There's one more thing that you need to know."