Old Man's Courting!?

The next day. 

Sierra got ready and dropped her children to their school. It was her part to make sure that children are reaching safely to the school. 

In her eyes, she didn't trust anyone so much to leave this task on anyone, except Charles who was himself busy in the morning. 

After dropping off Ailey and Noah, she returned to her office. Since she has been working under Javier's company, it has been pretty much a task to make sure that it was upto the mark. Sierra never took her position to be overrated. 

She firmly believed that this was what she deserved for having such an outstanding experience. In the initial days, her life was pretty much occupied with the office gossip to Jack's enemies killing her. 

But with time she proved her skills to be worthy and they all started to believe in her. The office gossips reduced but never got removed. Nevertheless, Sierra never showed her interest since she was involved in her life and work too much.