Killed the child?!

Charles' voice echoed in the entire room and there was no way Javier would have been successful in handling him alone. In support, Ellen stepped and held Charles as well, "No need to waste your time sir, please control yourself." 

"Charles, hitting him will not bring our mother back! He has lied to us! Amaira is with us...calm down. She is with us and she lives with us. At least he didn't send her away from us." Javier's soothing words acted like a balm on Charles's raging anger.

Charles eyed Javier from the corner of his eyes and he received a nod from his younger brother who was urging him not to take unnecessary steps for now. At the sight, Charles had finally brought a stop to not let himself destroy his father. 

He pushed Javier and Ellen aside and adjusted his clothes, "You should feel grateful that I haven't touched you right now, Shawn Johnsons. Otherwise as per what you have revealed just now, it is enough for me to strip your neck with a knife!"