Meeting the Lover

Sitting inside the car, Javier and Ellen were waiting for Charles and Ryan to show up. It was still very much night and finishing their work tonight was still a tough choice they had to consider. 

Their car was parked at the outskirts of their city. At the same time, Javier's eyes traced to look at the time in his watch, "What is taking them so look to come?" 

"They should be on their way. Relax." Ellen answered and Javier nodded his head. 

Time passed and very soon, Charles and Ryan's car pulled near theirs. They saw the car's dippers and Ellen did the same as a response. "Shall I call them now?" Ellen inquired. 

"Not the normal call..." Javier mumbled and Ellen understood what he meant. They brought a handheld transceiver from the back seat. Raising its side, Ellen held the switch tightly before he brought it near his mouth, "You can hear?" 

"I do." Ryan answered from the other hand.