
Back in the night, Javier sat on the bed while reading a book with absolute attention. When Jennifer got out of the bathroom after a bath, she stopped on her track and leaned against the wall to admire the view in front of her eyes. 

A creepy yet blushing smile appeared on her milky skin as her eyes flickered, "Are you still busy in reading about children?" With her sweet and teasing voice, she was successful in attracting the attention of the beast. 

He lifted his face to look at her and patted the bed beside him, "It's already late. You need to sleep now. It is not good for children's health as well as yours." Hearing this, a sigh escaped from Jennifer's lips. She approached the bed and climbed the bed to take the blanket over both of them. "Javier.... why do you act so concerned? Not like we are the first couple who are going to have twins."