Save your wife-2

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"Life's in danger? Javier, you are making me confuse right now. How is my life in danger?" This time, Jennifer took into account the seriousness. Her eyes didn't divert from the road anymore when she heard the voice. "Either you are being trialed right now or danger is near you." 

"How do you know?" Jennifer questioned back but Javier was in no mood to explain to her in the long run, "I got a call from the Smith man telling me that I should save you right now." Hearing this, Jennifer sighed. A name that she had thought was long gone from their peaceful life. Seems like her instincts weren't as bad as she made them appear. 

Taking a deep breath, she looked in the rear mirror to find the two cars behind her. At first, she hadn't noticed them but now that Javier had brought up the topic, she found the cars to be ones filled with people. "I guess your first option is correct. I'm being trailed by two black cars."