Lady in Blue(2)

Unknown to Javier, someone did take a notice of his presence.

A lady stood behind the walls. She was wearing a big blue colored hat, covering half of her face. The other side of her face was hidden beneath a knitted veil.

Taking a sip of her wine, a small smile graced her lips. 

After a few minutes, she finally rotated her head to take a peek again at where the guests were seated.

Her eyes were affixed at the man whose back faced her. He was walking with a small girl and was softly conversing with her.

'So curious to notice me!'  A chuckle escaped from her lips again, and this time a mysterious glint in those eyes. 'Too bad for you man, no one can know me until I don't want them to.' 

Then she took another sip of her wine but this time, the entire view in front of her was empty.

A maid came from behind. She bowed to the lady and kept her eyes on the ground. "Princess, would you like to join everyone now?"