A Strange feeling

Ariana bit her lower lip when she asked pleadingly, "C-can you help me now?" 

"I'm thinking of why not keep you with me? You are such a cute child... Suddenly, I don't want to give you back to your father!" 

Hearing this comment, Ariana's heart was tugged. The vibe of the lady was still very much hostile but she could see the genuine care in those eyes.

Her words radiated that she really cared about children. 

But she was afraid that she might not send her back to her father. 

At last, Ariana did something out of the league.

She stepped ahead, holding her tiny hands together. When she was close enough to the lady, Ariana stretched her hand and wrapped them around the lady's soft body. 

"I'm sorry.... can you please send me back to my dad?"

The sudden hug took the lady aback. She was shocked and her body suddenly stiffed. But subconsciously, she recovered back from the shock.