Wife's past?

"How indecent of you to tell your ex at your own wedding about this."

But for a while Davis was silent and Hannah had all the urge to leave him alone. With the same thought, Hannah was ready to walk past him.

She took another step but her wrist was held by him again, with the same aggression as before.

Fury took over her brain when she snapped her head back at him the killing intentions. "Leave my hand, Davis!"

"But what if I tell you that I have no such plans?"

Hannah's blood went cold. Her eyes were passing daggers but Davis seemed indulged in his theory to not notice the same.

He took a step forward while Hannah tried to break off her wrist from his grasp. Yet the man showed no such intention.

At last, both of them were standing close. 

It wasn't Hannah's intention to come near him. But he was adamant about not letting her leave right now.