Javier's here!

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Next morning. 

King is having breakfast with the family. He sat on the head table while on his left was Robert. To Robert's left was Prince Henry and opposite to Henry, there was Vincent. 

A space was left on the right of the King's side and it was for Princess Ava. 

A maid came and served them their dishes while the King looked back at Henry, "Where is Ava?" 

"I don't know Dad. I saw our sister getting ready earlier and going for a walk. Lisa already went to school and sister dropped her." Hearing this, King nodded his head and said, "Call her. Tell her we are having breakfast and she should come and join us too." 

"No need, I will call her down." saying this, Vincent took his phone out and dialed Jennifer's number. But she wasn't picking it up. 

After dialing it once again, Vincent looked at his father and gave a small shake. "Maybe she is.. busy..."