Sincere care!

Barging back into her room, Jennifer shut the door behind her. With the feelings dwelling upon her heart, she knew this was the core reality she had to face. 

"How can they... lie on my face for so many years?!" Anger burst into her veins. 

Her father's words rang in her mind like a strong whisper. She wasn't able to get it out of her damn mind, no matter how long it took. 

Irritation, and frustration bundled up. The sentiments were tackling inside. Jennifer's breath deepened, as she took the vases on the other sides, and threw them on the ground. 

The things broke into a million pieces, but it wasn't what she was looking forward to. The room turned into a mess under her rage, but her storming heart didn't find peace anywhere. 

She wanted to search for peace... 

At last, Jennifer sat on the table. Her entire self was currently a proper mess. Those unfilled eyes were lost.