Making my way... DoWn To EaRtH

Jack felt himself slip in and out of consciousness. He felt himself being carried, presumably by the guard that knocked him out.

The one he said would get a divorce. Yes, he now realized that it was a bad idea to say that, however, Jack is not the type to think before he speaks.

What felt like 3 seconds was actually 20 mins, as his eyes opened and the floor shook beneath his unsteady feet.

A large screen appeared along with Chancellor Jahas face. The sight of the man enough to make Jack sick.

Jacks eyes wandered around what he concluded was just a smaller version of the ark, or a small ship. He saw all the other confused teenagers and felt relief wash over him like a huge weight had been lifted on his shoulders. He wasn't alone anymore.

That weight soon came crashing back down 5 times heavier when he heard Jaha say what was going on. Something about going down to earth, and that the teenagers were expendable.

His eyes once again scanned the people ok the dropship, stopping once they landed on Wells Jaha.

"Your dads a dick Wells!" Jack made sure that his voice was heard by everyone forced to be here.

He looked around some more, his heartbeat increasing when he saw Octavia, he had only spoken to her once before, but couldn't avoid her being in his mind most of the time.

Jacks head snapped to the right when he saw spacewalker Finn Collins unbuckle and get out of his seat.


Jack began to unbuckle despite wells and Clarkes pleads for him to stop. 

He started floating, his arms needing no effort to be raised.

People cheered for Finn and Jack and another guy that had just set himself free of the buckles that held them onto what felt like death seats. This drop ship was leading them to a radiation-soaked planet and those seats ensured that they stayed in place, readying them for their landing on the planet that would surely kill them.

The impending doom was inevitable.

The dropship shook more violently and immediately jolted to the side, Jack was thrown to the wall and pulled down by gravity.

He laid there, his limp body unmoving as Finn walked and kneeled down next to him.

He shook his head and turned to Clarke, guilt overflowing in his eyes.


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