Hating her

Expect the unexpected!

It was time for the match to begin.

Katherine and Angel sat among the crowd, waiting to see Mellina.

They've seen Mellina play Basketball but hockey, it was the first time.

That's when they heard a commotion. The team was discussing standing in, round with their hands on each other's shoulders.

Hearing the commotion they turned to see Ryan Ace Parker walking towards them.

Even though it was hockey, they heard a group of people screaming " Dunk master Ace" and the other screamed " Acey! Acey!"

He looked calm and cool, even though he didn't have a full-blown smile still he had a little smile stuck on his face.

He walked there along with St. Michaels headmaster and their basketball head coach, who is also Mellina's coach.

He also had bouncers to protect him, there was not much of a crowd.

He first spoke with the authorities there and that's when Shivaraman went to him to greet him.

Then he returned to the team, that's when Mellina's coach called her.

" Mel! Come here!"

He was standing there for a formality, emotionlessly, but the name was enough to make him feel the spark.

His eyes searched for the person with a certain name.

Could it be his Princess? His Mel?

She didn't expect this neither she was fond of it.

The last thing she wants to do now was talking to Ryan.

" Mel!"

" Coach!"

" Mr. Parker, this is..." He was interrupted.

" Mel?"

" Yeah, Mellina Primrose. She is the daughter of Mr. Shivraman, the hockey coach you just saw and..." He was again interrupted by Ryan.

" Hello, Mellina?" He questioned himself.

Is this my Mel?

There was no smile on her face, not even an emotion at least for formality?

He frowned seeing her reaction.

" Hello!" She returned uninterested.

He searched for the mole, that his Mel on her cheek.

This could not be my Mel!

He expected a smile, which his Mel wore always.

But she did not have it.

The soft corner that formed because of her name has gone after seeing her stoic expression.

How could she not smile at me? Every female species are fond of me, they go crazy for me but here I am smiling at her, and the heck! She is not even giving a smile.

She must be only 18 or 19, she has such an attitude at this tender age.

He already developed a hate for her. No, he didn't hate but his ego was hurt. How could a woman not smile at him?

Many things were running in their mind, meanwhile, the coach was praising her.

"... I must say she is a world-class player!" He exclaimed at the end.

" Oh, I see!" Ryan said nonchalantly still staring at her.

There was a whistling sound indicating that the was going to begin. She moved from there without even a bye.

It hurt his ego!

What a girl!

Today she proved me something, having my Mel's name will not make her Mel! Never!

He gritted his teeth.

But the coach was oblivious of all this, he was happy that he introduced one of his best students.

" Mr. Parker, let's sit there and watch the match!"

" Yeah!" They went and sat on the seats that were just arranged for him.

He waited for her to play.

" I will see what extraordinary player she is!" He mumbled to himself.

The game started, and the two teams were the toughest teams.

They were trained from their tender age, they were a team from their small age, unlike other schools. They didn't go grade school, middle because the sports school had students from grade till high school on the same campus.

But having distance between the blocks.

He watched her play.

It only increased his rage.

How dare she?!

The little crowd grew big after Ryan's arrival.

The match came to an end.

And of course, St.Michaels won the match.

After a little celebration, everyone started leaving including Ryan.

Mellina went to school to take her graduation picture.

The day went well. Katherine was preparing for a treat at their home.

They had their dinner after video calling Sindhu.

" When are you leaving Mel? I mean the exact time" Shivaraman asked.

" At 6 in the evening dad!" She said tasting her mother's Crème anglaise.

" Done packing?"

" Yeah, dad!"

" What about you Angel?"

" Yes, pa!" She nodded her head.

" Angel, be careful! Amy and you shouldn't trouble Mel, listen to her if says something! Don't be reckless! Am I understood?" Katherine asked in a stern voice.

" Okay, madame!" She said bowing her head.

" Good for you =, if you listen to her. I am saying this again, don't team up with Amy and don't make trouble!"

" Papaaaaa!" Angel whined.

" Hey, Katherine my girls are good girls they won't trouble anyone! And by the way, Mel wouldn't let them free!" He said, and there started their routine. Bickering!

But it was sweet to watch!

They retired to bed.


Ryan sat on the balcony staring at the sky with a dry smile.

" How much I wish, it could have been my Mel! " He murmured to the moon and dived into his ocean of thoughts.

His phone rang.

It was Vivaan.

" Hey, V!"

" Ryan, how are doing? I saw on the internet you went to a match?"

" Yeah! And I am good!"

" So, how is everything going on?"

" I saw a girl name, Mel! But, I hate her! She was nothing like my Mel! She must around My Mel's age but her arrogance, " He exclaimed making him chuckle.

" What did she do?"

" She did not even smile at me!" He said making him laugh out loud.

" Well, it's a new criterion to be listed under arrogant? She is arrogant because she didn't smile at you? You know it is ridiculous!"

" See, see! Now you are taking her side! She is not at all a good sign!" He hated when Vivaan supported others instead of him.

Yeah, because he was possessive. He thought he had only him so he doesn't want others to come between them.

" My god! Ry, okay I won't speak about her! Okay?"

" No! I already hate her!" He yelled and ended the call.