First love

The Wednesday was extra bright.

But it was frustrating for Ryan because he has to attend an interview that too a live telecast.

" V! Should I go? I don't want to!" He whined.

" I can't do anything in this! It's your club's order and you have to follow it!" He said doing something on his phone.

" Viv! Tie..." He scratched his tie.

" You should give me a salary for working as your full-time nanny!" He said frustrated and walked to him to tie it.

" For god's sake, Ryan. You are twenty-seven years old buffalo can't you learn to knot a tie?" He asked tightening the tie.

" You can take all my properties!" he said grinning.

" Yeah, your mother will take her own gun shoot me along with my family, or will burn me alive!" He exclaimed.

" So, you want my properties?"

" Who wouldn't want? And I am not brainless to say no to the great offer!" He shrugged.

" Woah! Don't worry my father will support you!" He said after giving him a hug.

" Oh my god! I don't want your property or anything. My god who can survive that strict man! But I won't deny the fact that he is a good man!"

" Yeah, whose father he is!" Ryan said proudly.

"Self-obsessed much, huh?"

Ryan grinned.

" Okay, listen to me. Behave well, should be a good boy. Answer kindly and softly don't angry and mainly smile! Am I understood?"

" Yes! Daddy!"

"There is no downside to this sarcasm!"

" Remember what I told you! I can't do anything after it is done! Because it is a live interview!" He warned her.

" Okay, okay! I will be careful! I will try my best!" Ryan said.

" Come to the office after the interview, okay?"

" For what?"

" Dad called you!" He said and opened his black sleek car's door.

Ryan hugged him again.

" Leave me you, if you keep hugging me. People will think we are couples" He said with a disgusted expression.

Ryan smiled cheekily and hugged him again.

" Bye, bye!" He said ran to his car.

Vivaan's lips curved up seeing his childishness.

He sighed, " If he could be like this every time and forever!"

Shaking his thoughts he drove to his office.

Meanwhile, Ryan reached the place where the interview was held,

Everyone welcomed him and gave him the questions that were to be asked to him. He just took a glance to see if there were any awkward questions, but there weren't.

Of course, Vivaan would have checked it already.

He took his phone and typed a message to him.

"Thank you! Love ya! :)" He laughed sending it.

After a minute there was a reply.

V: Ewww! Go to hell!

R: Love always doesn't mean romantically :)

V: Whatever! Unlike you, I have work, bye. Thank you for irritating me!

" Mr. Parker, shall we?" The lady interviewer asked.

" Yeah, sure!"

They attached a microphone to his suit and then made him sit on the couch that was arranged for him.

The show started, there were millions of fans and people watching it.

" A Very good afternoon to the BTV audience,

This is your favorite show Coffe with stars and I am your Alice.

Today we have our favorite Mr. Ryan Ace Parker! Or you can say our " Dunk Master Ace! "

Welcome to the show Mr. Parker! "

" Thank you, you can call me Ace!" He said with a small fake smile.

" So, Ace let's get into the show... "

The show was great, he answered everything politely with a smiling face.

Vivaan felt heaven watching the interview.

" So, Ace about your first love?"

A smile appeared automatically on his face.

" My first love, it was a girl. There is no day that I don't think about her. It was nothing romantic. I am a person who thinks love is always not a romantic feeling, it is about how much they care about you, how much you care about them, the love. It is a magical feeling.

She is a magical thing that happened in my life! She was with me for just three to four days but I couldn't get her out of my system. But I lost her. She was not the first girl I loved but the first person I loved! More than anything in the world. But I couldn't save her, she is no more!

She is not here but her memories haunt me every day!" He finished it with a sad smile.

His face looked gloomy.

Everyone felt sad for him.

" I am sorry for your loss, Ace."

" It's okay. I don't want sympathy so I don't share this with everyone but today I felt I should!"

" Can we know her name?" She asked.

" I am sorry, I am not comfortable in sharing her name, because people will dig about this! I don't want that to happen!"

" That's fine Ace! Thank you for expressing your feelings! I am glad for taking your interview. Thank you for coming Ace!"

" The pleasure is mine, Alice! Thank you for inviting me!" The interview ended but the talk started.

" Hey, did you see our Master Ace's interview?"

" Yeah, I saw! Freaking he loved someone!!" The other one exclaimed.

" But he said it is nothing romantic?"

" Yeah, it's okay we still have a chance, right?" The girl giggled and jumped.

" But I thought he is in a relationship with Isabella winters, did you see her post yesterday? But then she deleted it after some time!"

" Did you notice that? They wore the same dress that they wore in the ad, so I think it should be a pic from the photoshoot! She posted another pic captioning ' Missing the team!' maybe she posted it mistakenly?"

" Yeah, or maybe she has a thing for him!"

" Whatever, awwwe! my Ace he is sad! My babe!"

It spread like a wildfire, all through social media.

But the person concerning the matter was standing there getting all the scolding.

" What the hell have you done? Whom did you lose?"

" Melissa Roselyn Ritz!" Ryan said emotionally.